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Friday, March 25, 2016

Tips to get all you ADRs on your wishlist

As you know, not too long ago, I reached my 180 mark a couple weeks ago. And in my previous post I happily announced that I was able to book every single reservation on our wishlist without any problem. And I believe that the steps I followed truly helped the process go a lot smoother. So, since sharing is caring, I want to share with you the steps I took.
Things to do before the 180 day mark
1. Well in advanced, made a list of restaurants I wanted to dine in.

2. Made an itinerary of where we would be each day and plan accordingly to plan our dining for each day. (See picture example of my preliminary itinerary below)

3. Once my itinerary was made, I made a priority list. The priority list was not according to my priorities were, but rather, what restaurants are in higher demand, therefore higher risk of getting booked quicker. This way I would start booking those first. (See picture bellow) Nothing says you have to book in order of your stays. 😉

4. I made sure to store my credit card information on the disney website. When you book a dining reservation,  disney requires a credit card to confirm the reservation. By storing your credit card information ahead of time, you avoid the hassle and save the extra time of having to do it the morning of, therefore saving yourself  valuable time. ***You will not be charged when you book, only if you do not cancel within their specified times.

Things to do the morning of!!!
1. You can make your reservations startingat 6 am eastern time. So make sure you set your alarm accordingly. For example, I live in central time so it would be at 5 am my time. In order to give me enough time to prep, I set my alarm at 4:35 am. Why so early you ask? Keep reading....

2. Started up my computer 💻

3. Made coffee 😴👣🍵😩😨😀

4. The necessary morning visit to the restroom 🚻😁

5. Made sure I had my itinerary and priority list handy

6. Logged out of the my disney account THIS STEP IS CRUCIAL.  Then LOG BACK IN. 

7. Open a different window for each restaurant you wish to book a reservation for. Have them ready to go on the reservation page. This way,  when you are done booking one you simply close that window and move on to the next restaurant which will be ready to go.

8. Also, be prepared, each time you book a reservation, you will be asked to enter  your phone number so be quick!

Lastly,  if you happen to get the infamous " Sorry for the paws" message,  don't panic.  Simply hit refresh on your browser window and it should work fine. I got the message about 2 or three times and I did as I mentioned and it worked fine. 

Well I hope the steps that I followed and helped me will help you as well. And let me know what are the restaurants on your wishlist. Do we have any in common? Also, will we run in to each other at Disney?  Let me know when are you going??? Well guys, this is it for me for now, until next time, "Keep Disney Dreaming!"

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